Keller Williams Realty - Rebecca Bank
Listing Courtesy Of: Keller Williams Realty, (845) 545-8309, Rebecca Bank
Listado Vendido Por: Keller Williams Realty
Servicios inmobiliarios locales proporcionados por: Keller Williams First in NY
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1572 New York 17A, Warwick, NY 10990
5 Dormitorios
6 Baños

1572 New York 17A, Warwick, NY 10990

Estimación proporcionada por Keller Williams Realty Inc.
5 Dormitorios
6 Baños
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descripción de propiedad

The historic Peach Grove House has an all new look. The Peach Grove Team has performed a labor of love by giving this historic home a whole new look and feel. As such, we are excited to introduce the Peach Grove House at its best! Looking for a charming historical estate with beautiful rooms, sophisticated social areas in a town exploding with flavor and history? Looking for a house that has character, modern conveniences, a place for family & friends to gather for a peaceful getaway? Look no further! As you approach, majestic columns soar heavenward and intricate detailing adorns the facade, entwined in the whispers of ancient tales. Come closer and feel the embrace of a bygone era, where the past and present converge! Pamper your friends with the sweeping views of 170 acres of surrounding farmland. Where 21st-century comfort meets 19th century craftsmanship. A getaway one hour from NYC. Located in the picturesque Town of Warwick, The Peach Grove House has a charming history etched forever in time. Its enchanting story can be discovered in the archives of the Warwick Valley Historical Society. This is your opportunity to own a beautiful, stately home in the highly sought after Town of Warwick. The Peach Grove House is a Greek Revival mansion that was completed in 1850 by Colonel William F. Wheeler and is an iconic feature in Warwick. This magnificent and impressive home boasts high ceilings, grand sitting rooms, stunning guest rooms and tastefully updated bathrooms as well as separate updated owner living quarters. It has a full, unfinished walk-up attic. There is also an unfinished detached guest house which has possibilities to be a perfect mother-in-law or extended family only apartment. In the main house, your guests will love relaxing out back on the enclosed porch for coffee in the mornings and amazing sunsets in the evenings. The home has been fully restored, including modern updates, all while maintaining its historical integrity. Overflowing with character and charm, The Peach Grove House has everything you need and want in a boutique hotel. The town of Warwick boasts wonderful farm to table restaurants, apple orchards and wineries, the Appalachian trail and so much more, making it a great spot for a getaway. This home has been run as a successful bed and breakfast in the past and in more recent years as a popular vacation rental. It has been used for weddings and other small events as well as a filming location. The Peach Grove House can be yours as a luxurious home or acquired as a turnkey business. Don't pass up an opportunity to own a piece of history.***Additional details regarding all upgrades, business permits, historical data, etc. available upon request.***

Detalles de la propiedad

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Descripción general
Tipo de Propiedad
Single Family Residence
Tamaño de la propiedad
Año de construcción
Días en la web
529 días
Natural Gas, Central Air, Baseboard
Keller Williams Realty
NY 10401214170

Historial de actividades

Datos proporcionados por Keller Williams Realty, Inc.
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Dependiente del coche Caminable muy transitable
Keller Williams Realty
NY 10401214170

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